1. Call to order 2. Minutes - hari, Fallen, Mohammad 3. Approval of minutes - Mohammad, Fallen 4. Roles and responsibilities of representatives. 5. Adding representatives to student life committee Friendly amendment to the motion Adding them to student life committee Concerns raised for reps being active To be active in social media and represent the students Friendly amendments to have 3 hit rule Feedback on payment to the reps, Pay should depend on the role. Suggestion to host atleast one event as a rep. Summary of the motion: Add the community rep positions to student life committee. Add a 3 hit rule for attendance to the DAGS meetings. Motion passed. DSU rep position tabelled for discussion with VP External regarding the shared responsibilities VPSL: Attended the AGM council meeting, made notes and templates to the committee, Spoke CUPE 3912 meetings TA rights and filing greviances. Strike-vote, proposition made by employer not accepted. VPA - Geeta Introduced herself and a newly elected to the role Discussion regarding the student President report: VPFO reports: Emergency meeting with DAGS. Accountant to collect information regarding TAX DUES DAGS bailout amount by DSU from 2017 Talk to DSU regarding the forgiven amount. Appoint the interim directors to the vacant positions and the positions to be advertised by the dags through email and pass motion to appoint interim to Motion passed Disucussion on bylaw amemndments for finanical education to incoming executive regarding amount owed, tax status Discussion on whether to have a finance controller of our own. To get in touch with Dhillion for CRA credentials for a start. Reach out to accounting society for getting some qualified hands to clear the taxes. Call for motion: Number of person: 1 person to hire for assist the tax filing by end of summer Pay: Salary negotiable Motion passed Call for the motion: Contract renewal for shauna. Duration: May 2022-May 2023 Payment raise to office coordinator: Can be discussed in next meeting. Look for government guidelines and confirm the amount. Motion passed. DAGS council, we send out the doodle poll to finalize the meeting time for council meetings. Check if our DAGS email actually reach students. Publicity of DAGS through tablelling, posters, social media Event suggestions to present DAGS in O-week on Fall 2022 Barbacue event, suggestions open for events on O-week. Get involved with DSU during O-Week Ask shauna to get in touch with DSU for asking if DAGS can take part in O-Week. Funds and events can be discussed. Lets wait for updates from Governance committee before passing a motion on holding a special AGM to pass amendments to the bylaws Grant application 1. Arvin - 100$ for conference, 100$ for travel Approved 2. Anas - **Pending due to no attachment found for proof of expenditure 3. Nina - 100$ for 100$ travel and professional development Approved 4. Julia - **Pending due to no attachment on bills 5. Katia - 100$ for travel Approved 6. Society Grant: No member from society attended the meeting, They have to present it in council and answer the questions for clarification. once we get a response in O-Week