Are you a graduate student at Dalhousie? Chances are you belong to one of our member societies, listed here. If you don't see your program's society listed below, or if your society is currently inactive, contact us and we'll figure out where you belong - or help you build a new society from scratch!
Architecture & Planning, Computer Science, and EngineeringFaculty of Architecture & Planning:
Architecture Students Association (ASA) Graduate Planning Society (GPS) Faculty of Computer Science: Dalhousie Computer Science Graduate Society (CSGS) Faculty of Engineering: Dalhousie Engineering Graduate Society (DEGS) Chemical Engineering Graduate Society (ChEGS) |
Health ProfessionsFaculty of Health Professions: Clinical Vision Science Society (CVSS) Health and Human Performance Graduate Student Society (HAHP-GSS) Association of Health Administration Students (AHAS) Dalhousie School of Human Communication Disorders Student Society (SHCD) Dalhousie Graduate Nursing Society (DGNS) Dalhousie Occupational Therapy Graduate Society (DOTSS) Dalhousie Physiotherapy Student Society (DPTSS) Dalhousie School of Social Work Student Group (DSSWSG) |
Note: Societies cross-listed between faculties are noted with an asterisk, and NAGS' membership in DAGS is pending the NSAC-Dalhousie merger. DAGS does not represent MBA program students.